Category Archives: President’s Letter

President’s letter

Dear Members,

Between all the holiday preparation and cooking that has to be started, it’s easy for all of us to get swept up in the festive chaos and lose sight of a thankful heart.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are. This day is a special time when as a nation we pause, give thanks, and take account of our many blessings.

It is a tradition for our chapter to share with those less fortunate. We are asking our members to participate by donating some items for a traditional Thanksgiving meal for three families in need. If we each participate, together we will provide all of the ingredients to give them a holiday feast. Please remember to call Diane Seridge first to see what is still needed, and then sign up for an item or two.

Finally, I would like to wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Now, and throughout the year, let’s remember all the blessings in our lives. I am thankful for the continuing support from each of you, and the opportunity to get to know and work with so many wonderful women in this organization.

Thank you,
Christine Olivieri Donahue

President’s letter

Dear Members,

This is an exciting month for our Chapter. There are a number of activities that will keep us busy both in helping others and having fun.

Remember that this is Breast Cancer Month. Think pink. The Breast Cancer walk is on Sunday, October 15th. 8 a.m. Walk 10 a.m. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – Midland Beach/714 Father Capodanno Blvd. If interested contact Diane Seridge at 718-984-8294.

We are also going to be presenting a $2,000 check to the Tibetan Museum on Sunday, October 15th. After the check presentation we will hear a talk about the museum and then a tour. All are welcome.

Our program is the Annual Candidate’s Forum. We have between 8 and 10 candidates appearing. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions.

Then on Wednesday, October 25th we are having a Paint Party in support of Hurricane Relief. All the money collected, after expenses, will go to Hurricane Relief through the Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

Thank you,

Christine Olivieri Donahue

President’s letter

Dear Members,

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer with family and friends.

This was a fun summer. We had members sharing some social activities – lunch at Marina Café and cocktails at South Fin. We started the year off by supporting Operation Back-Pack. I am pleased to say the project was well supported with the generous donations and volunteerism from our members. This is an important effort to help children within our own community improve their lives through education.

The program for our monthly dinner/meeting, on Tuesday, September 19th at the Staaten at 6:30PM, will be the Induction Ceremony. This is a very special dinner/meeting, at which we will hold a ceremony to induct our new members.

This event is an important part of our year. It not only officially welcomes and initiates new members into our organization, but it also builds the pride and enthusiasm of our entire membership. Please check the calendar for more information.

If you have not yet joined a committee, please do so. Your participation is important. This is an opportunity for you to share in the chapter’s planning and activities. With your talent and support, this coming year is going to be a great success.

Thank you,
Christine Olivieri Donahue

President’s letter

Dear Members:

Greetings to all! The next several months are going to be incredibly busy and exciting
for our chapter and we need your support.

Last month the Sisterhood passed the gavel to our chapter. This year’s initiative will be Career Day. This project will expose women to new career possibilities, offering them new career ideas that could help them realize their full potential. Many may not be aware of the wide range of occupations available to them, and the women comprising The Sisterhood will work together to help those attending envision their future. A working meeting to discuss plans is set for Thursday, February 9, 2017, 6:30 p.m., at 900 South Avenue, Room 100, first floor. Please contact Rosemarie Dressler if you have an interest.

Our Women of Distinction Luncheon is coming quickly, on Sunday, April 2nd. We have an amazing group of honorees this year. This is an exciting and busy time for our event co-chairpersons, Jill Holtermann Bowers, Cathy DiStefano, Annette Fusaro, and their committee. This is a huge project and I am sure additional member support is needed. To work with this amazing trio please contact them.

On Wednesday, May 10th, a Regional meeting is scheduled at Café Bella Vita. By attending this meeting you will have the opportunity to meet members from other chapters.

Our Historian, Virginia Allen, is planning a Tea in September. This is another interesting committee on which you could participate. So, as you can see, there are a lot of exciting things happening – plus more!

I look forward to seeing you!

Please remember that you as a member make the chapter. I strongly encourage you to join at least one committee to get the complete experience of membership. Your talent and support help increase the impact of our chapter.

Thank you,

Christine Olivieri Donahue

President’s letter


Dear Members,

It seems as though the holiday season begins earlier and earlier every year. Before the autumn leaves begin to fall, retailers are touting this year’s “must have” gifts and trying to entice us with catchy holiday music and decorations to get us in the spirit.

Despite this strong push, for many, the start of the holiday season is still marked by the tradition of Thanksgiving Day — a time when as a nation we pause, give thanks and take account of our many blessings. This season our chapter is working to share with those less fortunate.

Our members are asked to participate by donating some items for a traditional Thanksgiving meal for five families in need. If we each participate, together we will provide all of the ingredients to give them a holiday feast. Please remember to call Diane Seridge (718-984-8294) first to see what is still needed and sign up for an item.

To continue in the spirit of the holiday season, Good Counsel Home is in need of winter clothes for their babies. I hope you will share in donating a gift to the children at this center.

And at our December “Holiday Party” this year we are asking every member to bring a friend to celebrate the season and festivities.

Finally, I would like to wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving. At this time of year, let’s remember all the blessings in our lives. I am thankful for the continuing support from the group, and the opportunity to get to know and work with so many wonderful women in this organization.

Thank you,

Christine Olivieri Donahue


President’s Letter

Greetings to all!

This is going to be another incredible month for our chapter. On Tuesday, October 18th, our dinner/meeting, at the Staaten at 6:30 p.m., will be “The Candidates’ Forum.” The American Association of University Women; Staten Island Women’s Political Caucus; NYSW, Inc. Richmond County Chapter; and other organizations comprising the Sisterhood, have joined our chapter to support the evening. The forum will be comprised of candidates running for public office, addressing issues important to women and their families.

Also, on Saturday October 15th, NYSW, Inc. State Board will be meeting at the Hampton Inn. This includes lunch and guest speaker. It will be a great opportunity to meet members from across the state.

In addition, Sunday Oct 16th is Making Strides against Cancer at Midland Beach (see details in the attached flyer). On Monday, October 24th the NYSW Brooklyn chapter is hosting the fall Region 2 meeting at Vesuvio Restaurant in Brooklyn. So, as you can see, there are a lot of exciting happenings this month. I look forward to seeing you!

Please remember that you as a member make the chapter. I strongly encourage you to join a committee to get the complete experience of membership. Your talent and support help increase the impact of our chapter.

Thank you,
Christine Olivieri Donahue


President’s Letter

Dear members,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer with family and friends.

We have selected our Committee Chairs and have set the calendar for a number of fun and important projects. We are already getting a head start on our upcoming events. You should know that I have scheduled an Executive Board meeting for 6:00PM on the last Wednesday of each month at St Andrew’s Church in Richmond Town. All members are invited to attend. This is an opportunity for you to have a stronger voice in the planning of our events. In this month’s newsletter you will find a list of the Committee Chairs and the calendar of events for 2016-2017. Please look to see if there is a committee you have an interest in joining.

Coming up, we have a very busy September. The chapter is supporting Operation Back-Pack program, we are having a ceremony for the “Induction of all New Members”, and there is a special celebration at The Staaten for Theresa Fazzolari, the new State President of NYSW. Check the calendar for more information. This is just the beginning.

We will do everything we can to make this coming year a great success. I know that having your support will help us fulfill our mission together. I and the rest of the officers are looking forward to working with each and every one of you this year.

Thank you,

Christine Olivieri Donahue

June president’s letter

This is my last letter as President. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by. We had a number of accomplishments to celebrate this year.
➢ Our Woman of Distinction luncheon was a success;
➢ We presented $2000 checks to Harbor Lights Theater Company and the Staten Island Residence of Good Counsel;
➢ We established scholarships at St. Paul’s School of Nursing and Wagner College. The recipients of these scholarships will be at our June meeting.

Our Region is to be congratulated on Theresa Fazzolari being elected as President of our State organization. Theresa is a member of NYSWi-Richmond County. Also Marie Illuzzi, a member of our Chapter, has been elected Region 2 Director.

On September 24 we are having a celebration in honor of Theresa at The Staaten. We hope that all members of our Chapter will attend.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Board for assisting me in this past year. We would not have succeeded without their participation.

Cathy Di Stefano

May’s President’s Letter

President’s Letter


Cathy Di Stefano is recovering from knee surgery.  I understand that the surgery was successful and Cathy is now home.  Cards and phone calls would be welcome.


We made our first $2000 presentation to Harbor Lights Theater Company on Thursday, April 28, 2016.  Thank you Margaret Barry, Ann Celia, Donna D’Ermillio, Dianne Hague, Liz Micalizzi, Helen Napoli, Diane Seridge and Robyn Zappola for attending this event.


Our next $2000 presentation will be to Staten Island Residence of Good Counsel Homes on Thursday, May 19th.


At our April meeting Christine Donahue, Diane Seridge, Cathy Di Stefano, Elizabeth Micalizzi and Margaret Barry were unanimously elected to be our Officers in 2016-2017.  Congratulations to our new team.


Please read the three motions on page 3 that will be presented at our May meeting for your consideration.


April President’s Letter

President’s Letter


April is an important meeting for our Chapter.  We elect the individuals who will be running our Chapter.  Please come and vote.  As in any election your vote is important.

We had a very successful Women of Distinction Luncheon on Saturday, April 2nd.  A special thanks to all who helped make this event such a success.  We had about 230 people in attendance – our biggest ever.

On Thursday, April 28th we will be presenting a check for $2,000 to Harbor Lights Theater Company.  We hope that you can attend.  The check will be presented just before the opening on stage.  More information follows in this newsletter.  In May we will also be making a $2,000 presentation to Good Counsel Home.

The Region 2 meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 16 at the Harvest Café.  Detailed information can be found on page 7.  We ask that all of our members make an effort to attend.  We will be electing the Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director.  Marie Illuzzi, a member of the Staten Island Chapter is running for Regional Director.  We hope that you will attend to vote and support her.

Cathy Di Stefano


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