Author Archives: NYSWSI

Annual Membership Tea May 22 from 1-4 at Woodrow United Methodist Church



Where:  Woodrow United Methodist Church Hall

1075 Woodrow Road, Staten Island, NY 10312

When:  May 22, 2016    Time:   1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Price:   $35.00 per person –RESERVATIONS REQUIRED

  • New Members will be Installed
  • Long Standing Members will be Recognized


If you would like to donate a basket, please contact: Fran Ferrari @ or Christine Cannella

Make Checks payable to:NYSWi – Richmond County Chapter and mail to:

Theresa Fazzolari

141 Dover GreenStaten Island, NY 10312

no later than May 15, 2016

Name:  ____________________________________________________________

Tel. #:  _________________________Check #: _______________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________

# of Guests: _____________________

Preferred Seating: __________________________________________________



How A Bill Becomes A Law In NYS

Excerpt from New York State Communicator

How a bill becomes a law in NYS 


The legislature is in full swing in May.


Both houses are reviewing legislation and passing bills. It is important to understand how a bill becomes a law in New York. This is a complicated process and involves many steps.


First, a bill must be introduced in identical form by a sponsor in both the Assembly and the Senate. If even one word is different between the two versions, the bill cannot become law in New York. Unlike Congress, the Legislature in New York has no conference committees to resolve differences between bills.


In order for a bill to pass in either house, it must pass through the appropriate committees. There is always the initial topic committee to which a bill is assigned. For example, if the bill deals with education, it will be assigned to the Education Committee. Bills in the Senate tend to have to go through fewer committees than bills in the Assembly. Depending upon their subject matter, some pieces of legislation must go through particular committees before coming to a floor vote, no matter what committee they were first assigned. For example, if a bill has a fiscal impact, it must go through the Ways and Means Committee in the Assembly or the Finance Committee in the Senate. Navigating a bill through the committee process takes time and attention.


If an organization or person is supporting a bill, it is important to know the bill number, what bill the committee is in, who the sponsors are and what other committees a bill will have to go through before either the Senate or Assembly can vote on it. Without this information, asking your local Senator or Assembly member for help can be difficult because they will not know what bill you are referring to or how they can help.


Thousands of bills are introduced in both houses. In the Assembly in 2015, there were over 8,300 bills introduced and in the Senate, there will over 6,000 bills introduced. All of these bills are active in 2016 and even more bills have been introduced this year. In the Assembly we are currently over XX,000 bills, and in the Senate, we are at over X,000 bills. While thousands of bills are introduced in any given year, a very small percentage of those bills pass both houses. For example, in 2015, only 718 passed both houses.


Amy Kellogg is a New York State Women, Inc. member at large, a Past State President and a partner at Harter Secrest & Emery in the Albany, NY office where she practices Government Affairs. For more detailed information, she can be reached at




The Gray Wool Sweater By Ann Clinton

The Gray Wool Sweater

By Ann Clinton


Among the many brightly colored items


Residing in my clothing closet


There is one garment that is


Alien in its demeanor and style


There is no question it is different


And, that is its appeal


It hangs simply, almost sadly draped


A crooked sleeve of gray


Rests on its neighbor


A new blouse of lacy rose


Together they make the odd couple


Daring, vivacious and perhaps flamboyant


Accepting the gentle pressure


Of age and experience.





 Your Board approved the following motions for your consideration:


Each motion will be presented individually at our May meeting.


Theresa Fazzolari will be inducted as President of NYS Women, Inc and is from Staten Island.  To show our support for Theresa we make the following motion:


Motion:  NYSWi-SI Chapter agrees to take a full page ad in the Journal at a cost of $100.00


Barbara Sanchez a new member and the designer of our web site has been awarded the Lathrope Voorspuy Memorial Scholarship to the Women’s Campaign School at Yale.  To show our support for Barbara we make the following motion:


Motion:  NYSWi-SI Chapter agrees to take a ½ page ad in the LVMSF Journal at a cost of $45.00


The 2016-2017 Officers of our Chapter would like to have a dinner for our 10 new members.  This dinner will be for the five officers and 10 new members for a total of 15.  The reason for this dinner is to make them aware of our Chapter and what we are doing and asking for their help.


Motion:  NYSWi-SI Chapter agrees to have a dinner on June 13 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the Marina Café for 5 officers and 10 new members at a cost of $700.



Gifts $2000 to Harbor Lights Theater Company

The Staten Island chapter of New York State Women Inc. presented the Harbor Lights Theater Company program with a $2,000 check to enhance their efforts to bring Broadway level productions to the Island and to provide opportunities for thriving local artists.
NYS Women-Staten Island’s Elaine Croteau and other members took to the stage to present the check at the Harbor Lights’ performance of Showstoppers, a popular production of show- stopping numbers by the hottest talents on Broadway.
 “We are thrilled that New York Women, Staten Island Chapter supports Harbor Lights,” said Harbor Lights Founders and Artistic Directors Tamara Jenkins and Jay Montgomery. “Receiving support helps us grow our theater company and fulfill our mission.”
Photo credit:Tamara Jenkins (HLTC), with NYS Women-Staten Island Diane Seridge, Robyn Zappola, Helen Napoli, Dianne Hague, Donna D’Ermillio, Elaine Croteau





May 17, 2016

6:30 P.M.

Li Greci’s Staaten

Forest Avenue – Staten Island



Patricia M. Salmon

Retired as Curator of History at the Staten Island Museum in 2012. A Staten Island resident for almost fifty years, she was a Naturalist/Historian at Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve in that borough for eight years. Ms. Salmon has authored many books Realms of History: The Cemeteries of Staten Island, The Staten Island Ferry: A History, Murder & Mayhem on Staten Island and Staten Island Slayings: Murderers and Mysteries of the Forgotten Borough. A board member of the Tottenville Historical Society, she is a consultant to the Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries of Staten Island and an adjunct professor at Wagner College in Staten Island.


May’s President’s Letter

President’s Letter


Cathy Di Stefano is recovering from knee surgery.  I understand that the surgery was successful and Cathy is now home.  Cards and phone calls would be welcome.


We made our first $2000 presentation to Harbor Lights Theater Company on Thursday, April 28, 2016.  Thank you Margaret Barry, Ann Celia, Donna D’Ermillio, Dianne Hague, Liz Micalizzi, Helen Napoli, Diane Seridge and Robyn Zappola for attending this event.


Our next $2000 presentation will be to Staten Island Residence of Good Counsel Homes on Thursday, May 19th.


At our April meeting Christine Donahue, Diane Seridge, Cathy Di Stefano, Elizabeth Micalizzi and Margaret Barry were unanimously elected to be our Officers in 2016-2017.  Congratulations to our new team.


Please read the three motions on page 3 that will be presented at our May meeting for your consideration.




April 16, 2016 – Region 2 Meeting

Location: Harbor Café; New Dorp Lane – 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Cost:  $30.00


April 19, 2016 – General Meeting / Election of Officers

Location:  The Staaten – 6:30 P.M.


April 28, 2016 – Broadway Showstoppers

Harbor Lights Theater Company

Location:  Snug Harbor Music Hall – 7:00 P.M.


May 2, 2016 – Board Meeting

Location:  TBA – 6:00 P.M.


May 15, 2016 – Lathrope Voorspuy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Location:  The Staaten


May 17, 2016 – General Meeting/Scholarship

Location:  The Staaten – 6:30 P.M.


June 3 – 5 – NYS Women, Inc. Annual Conference

Location:  Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs, NY



June 6, 2016 – Board Meeting

Location:  TBA – 6:00 P.M.


June 21, 2016 – General Meeting/Installation of 2016/2017 Officers

Location:  The Staaten – 6:30 P.M


Electronic Recycling

Electronic Recycling

Every Saturday and the first Friday of the month you can bring your

electronic equipment to be recycled.

Location:  Muldoon Avenue Sanitation lot


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